Keeping you up-to-date
11 May, 2011
Last April, Ebir Lighting inaugurated its newly expanded facilities within the production plant in China, the target being to continue with our internationalization plan by optimizing our production and supply capacity. Being major players in this plan of internationalization, the whole...
25 January, 2011
During Christmas, the transfusion centres tend to dry up the blood supply, (people are busier, they do not go so often to donate and the number of accidents is greatly increased as people travel more on these dates).Last January, the...
30 September, 2010
SICAM, Exposición Internacional de Componentes, productos semi-acabados y accesorios para la Industria del Mueble, dará cita el próximo mes de octubre a muchas compañías extranjeras del sector.Un extenso listado de expositores entre los que se encuentra EBIR que, ubicado en...
8 September, 2010
Offering products with the highest functionality index and which respond satisfactorily to the user's lighting needs in the bathroom, has led to the creation of a new space for the study of lighting, its different performances and how it can...
8 September, 2010
Increasing the functionality of bathroom lighting is the aim of one of the R&D and innovation projects carried out by EBIR over the last few months.A project that has been supported by aid from the "Expande Programme" by IMPIVA (Valencian Instittute...
13 April, 2010
Ebir Bathroom Lighting, the future!